
Your Energy Report Card for This Season: Collective Summary (Autumn Edition)

It’s very difficult to speak on “Virgo” without talking about “Libra” and bringing in “Scorpio.”

“Miss Leo” even has to have ⭐️ an honorable mention. Fitting 😏, lol.

Simplified, “The Scales” are not only the bridge connecting the individually intense characteristics represented as “Virgo” and “Scorpio.” In its complexity, the principles of Ma’at serve as the connecting point for energy in its essence, conducting harmony and thus balancing said energy;

👉🏿a neutraluzing⚡️current👈🏿

Q: What does your spiritual, emotional and mental bank account look like?

As summer’s Cycle closes out with informative “Virgo” delivering the Good Word, a lot of the facts that’s being presented and making itself known come with a lot of truth, confirmation, and a bit of color—a little rose colored ruse, if you will. That is: Lies. Similar to that person we know who knows everybody’s business, tells it, and exaggerates the truth all up in it as they spread it.

A good storyteller shapes their story to appear in a way they desire the narrative to look and feel to achieve their goal(s) with the story being told. To do this effectively requires facts, catering to the senses and desires, and of course—mystery.

While tales can be creative, have a moral, and reveal some important facts in a captivating way… sometimes clear concise Truth is needed to bring about swift practical change where change is desired; equinox seasons encourage that immensely.

Check out the ~current~ specific energy for your dominant element + star sign

So, as the season changes where harvest season starts harvesting,

we as a collective may have a hyperfocused interest in peeling back layers and lies with ourselves, other people/our relationships, any form of media news delivered, the contents of our real life circle’s periodical gossip, and other observations we pay heed to;

An example of things being revealed could be in regard to Health and its direct correlation to: your energy levels, close relationships, and your money.

My munny?

Yes. Your money. The means of supporting one’s self with the physical goods of this physical worldfrom the quantity coming in or a lack thereof, the frequency/speed of both receiving and giving, thoughts-intentions-emotions put behind these gestures, the current status (i.e. how much money you got right now, simply put)… these factors measured against other factors… “The ⚖️ Scales” can go on.

This revelation supports a bigger picture when it comes to our “What Do We Do ~it~ For. More on that following the individual Story reports.

Learn more about these energy reads labeled “Report Cards”

If you’re not one to usually get sick but people around you are, be vigilant about healing and prevention. The first word under the “Miscellaneous” section of This Cycle’s Report is: Health.

Time to go through old files, paperwork and items cluttering your home—your physical home, your mind, your heart. . . even your tech devices. If you haven’t answered the call to do so yet, that is. Audit, Cleanse, and Organize Your Space!

Drag and delete junk to trash and properly label and sort what’s important to keep.

If we don’t know what we own and carry around (naturally forgetting/placing in back of mind due to not in conscious forefront), this opens a door to allow mess to accumulate. Without taking charge by putting stuff in its proper place, it will slowly take over your space.

Autumn is a cleansing period within our Solar Cycle—the intense height of summer (“Leo”) ignites a purification process 🔥, able to burn any and every thing in its path… flowing into a season of change demanding that -only what’s Good/Neat & Clean/Attractive/etcetera stays-

picky Virgo tendencies show us: that’s subjective and illusive and true and extreme…

with “Libra” then leading bearing truth and all things attraction, and the truth is: what’s attracted is drawn in because there’s a mirroring to accept or expel

swimming into the depths of “Scorpio”—putting any desires into audacious ‘n courageous motion, supported by her calm gentle push or chaotic abrasive wrath—whatever keeps ya motivated.

And so on

You Can’t Afford Therapy, and What to Do About It Today

Below are This Cycle’s Report Cards in “Story” form. It is the same as Report Cards in full, which can be found, here. Keep scrolling to find the star sign you’re interested in.

So, what do you do ~it~ for?

Whatever ~it~ is; be it specific relationships held, the people and environments we surround ourself with, our day-to-day and the routine/activities we fill it with, the work we give our valuable time and valuable skillsets to….

Our thoughts-intentions-emotions we give behind the ~it~ and what the ~it~ gives back—from a metaphysics perspective—has its influence in affecting means regarding health & well-being (mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally).


What we have is valuable. Where we give our energy (think: give money), how energy is given back to us (think: receive money), and how we maintain the energy we have (think: the amount of money currently held). What does our spiritual, emotional and mental bank account look like? Now, let’s look at our health and what supports our physical living i.e. our money.

“Report Cards” are designed to lead toward awareness and healing through inspiring, motivating and encouraging reminders. Check out the “Cancer Season Collective” write-up for more Good Words—energy is fluid, receive what you speaks to you. Thank you for taking your time to reading 🙂.

Your Cyclical Report Card Is Available, Now! (Elemental Energy Read for All Star Signs)

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