
Save Your Time and Washer Machine by Doing THIS the Next Time You Clean Your Bathroom

The way you’re washing the shower curtain liner for the bathroom(s) in your home probably isn’t the best for both your precious time and washer machine.

I found myself creating another new HIGHLIGHT on my Instagram account; this one is called ‘Just the Tip‘ 😉 Keep reading, I have a lifesaving regimen to add to your bathroom cleaning routine, and a God-send step to deduct when it’s time to wash the shower curtain liner.

None of what I’m about to share with you involves going to buy one of those fabric snap-in liners (I hear they have hookless options now)… this hack is for us folks using the first affordable plastic liner we found for our bathroom, and it doesn’t require you to take the liner off the rings.

Before I go into explaining the main topic of this blog post, I gotta say—IG Highlights is the main reason I use Instagram today. I used to love Snapchat heavy round 2017-2018, and Instagram was an app I’d dabble in here and there, but I was never active (except for when the app first came out and we posted random-unaesthetic-unsaturated-vintage filtered still flicks).

I mean, how can one post ~aEstHetiCaLLy~ pleasing photos REGULARLY. Tweeting has always been easier lol. Even today… my tweeting and overall social media use just ain’t what it used to be circa 2009-2012 lol. Praise God.

However, I enjoy the Stories feature on Instagram as a creative outlet to tell whatever kind of story I want to share. And with the effort that comes with most creative processes… my best, most helpful, insightful and entertaining Stories are saved and placed into its respective curated HIGHLIGHT on my profile.

Moving forward to the purpose of this post…

Do you throw the shower curtain liner in the washer machine?

Washing the curtain liner is no fun because it’s time consuming to sit there and unhook each ring from EACH hole of the shower curtain… and then hook each ring back into EACH hole… my God 😩 It’s a lazy complaint, for sure, but if there’s an easier way to clean it… let’s try it. Besides, washing plastic isn’t good for the washer machine anyway.

I asked my Story watchers the pink highlighted question above, and they all agree that it’s a task they’d rather not have to do. Watch the story below:

Here’s the most effective way to clean the shower curtain liner without taking the rings off:

  • Do this on a day you’re cleaning the entire bathroom
  • Clean the bathtub as you normally would, first
  • Let the shower curtain rest over the arm of the tub or on something nearby if you don’t want it touching the floor, and place the plastic liner in the tub
  • Fill the tub with enough warm water and allow the liner to SOAK in your chosen solution
    -You can use bleach or hydrogen peroxide to brighten and get stains out
    -I like to add pine-sol in the tub for added disinfecting power and a pleasant scent
    -Gently scrubbing the liner with soap and water gives you something beneficial to do toward getting the liner clean
    while you wait for the tub to fill up
  • Proceed to cleaning the rest of the bathroom. The liner will be ready once you’re done.
    ***The moment I put bleach into the tub, the grime immediately started to soak off***
  • Once CLEAN
    Drain the tub,
    Thoroughly rinse the liner and hang it back up to dry
    Do one more round with cleaner inside *bed of tub since this is where the liner was soaking (and you already cleaned
    other important areas of the tub)
  • S P O T L E S S 🧼✨

Now when it’s time to wash the actual curtain… ain’t no shortcut around taking the rings off with that one lol. Luckily, the actual curtain doesn’t need to be washed as often as the liner does. I hope you found this quick tip hack to cleaning your shower curtain liner helpful!

Also: Do you say washing machine or washer machine? …Or do you call it something completely different? Tweet me @iamAleigha or leave a comment under this blog post!

Find an IG Highlight @iamAleigha that sparks your interest.

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