There’s a certain type of photography I’m drawn toward (regarding me snapping these pics). I truly enjoy capturing the beauty of this! Since learning how to use a camera and achieve composition as a whole, I’ve taken pictures of many things that fall under different categories. Through this testing and trying, I’ve come to discover the type of still images I prefer to take for numerous reasons.

My favorite type of pictures to take isn’t a 1 particular thing; it is a part of a 1 particular thing, however, making up the theme or category.

Allow these words you read paint the picture…

Each time my eyes cross this beauty, with reverence and admiration, I am pleased. Thankful to my senses to experience something so simple And great. Here, I’m present and filled with a flow of joy to freeze this period of time; allowing it to last like a never ending warm sunny day. Looking back at this encapsulated piece of heaven, I experience the moment all over again in a whole new way. The view brings many things for many whose eyes cross this beauty, with reverence and admiration, it is pleasing.

I also sometimes find myself taking clips of motion images, effects and sounds to tell a story or express a mood. In a sense, we can call this a “movie.” Movie sounds more expressive than a video. And it is.

Eventually, I’ll start uploading some of these creations to this page. However, this interest of mine is shared in other places on the internet.

Yes, I am that friend who takes good photos of you. And yes, I loathe when other people don’t put forth effort when I ask them to do the same for me… picture looking like a distorted potato.

Press these words to read some poetry