
Life After College: 6 Month Post-Grad Update

Update period: March 11 – June 8

This update is about about two weeks late.  Better late than never right? Teehee… Ok, onto the update.

Another three months down.  Wow time really does fly.  It’s crazy to think we’re already in June.  I feel like the older I get the more I hear myself and others say “time flies.”  It makes you reflect and evaluate what you do and how you’ve been spending your time. 

Usually you’re either pretty content and feel like you’re doing something meaningful or you feel like your time’s being wasted.  It sucks to feel like the latter, but it’s needed to shake you up a bit.  That’s why I do these updates—for me to keep track and hold myself accountable for things.  I only share it publicly for others to relate to because most recent graduates are confused and lost, looking for inspiration.

Life After College: 6 Month Post-Grad Update

It’s been a total of 6 months since I graduated.  It still doesn’t feel like much has changed but that isn’t possible.  Each day we’re learning and growing.  You don’t have to pick up a textbook to do this, just listen to your inner-self.  The thing is that my day-to-day schedule is pretty dull, repetitive and to myself.  I have some responsibilities to take care of but it doesn’t take up a huge chunk of my day. 

What I can say this has done for me, though, is that it’s allowed me to escape from the outside world.  When you don’t have to worry about, say for instance, getting up to go to a job every day and being around others, it forces you to spend time with yourself.  If you use this time wisely by examining your feelings and thoughts, you can enter into self-discovery mode—bringing you to your life’s purpose.

You can’t stay in this mode for long though because you have to get out and live your life, and I feel like I’m about to be inching my way out of it soon.  Within the next couple of months, I have to find employment as well as a new home.  The adventure of “adulting” is almost here for me.

Student Loans

Life After College: 6 Month Post-Grad Update

Since it’s been 6 months, I suspect my student loans to be coming soon.  I’m thinking about seeing if I’m eligible for a deferment since I’m currently unemployed.


Life After College: 6 Month Post-Grad Update

As you read above, I’m unemployed. Still. The day after my last update, I contemplated getting a basic part-time job.  It was around prom time so this store in the mall was hiring for the season.  I applied and they told me the position would have lasted about a month and they couldn’t pay me what I was getting at my previous job (the one I’ve been working at since I was 15). 

It’s so hard to take a job that pays lower than what you’re used to.  I didn’t follow up with the job, and I thought I’d probably go back to my old one.  I never followed back up with my old job either.  It just didn’t feel right.  I feel like I’ve outgrown it and that I would’ve been taking steps backward by going back to my summer job.

It also feels so weird to think about having to work a part-time job as a college graduate.  Spending all this money for a degree just to end up at McDonald’s?

Anyways, one of the people I reached out to for an internship opportunity back in March, she’s a popular YouTuber, got back to me in May with some encouraging words on what she thinks I should do and how whatever it is that I chose to do is for me to discover, not anyone else.  I’ll be making a video on this soon because those words really touched me.

I also applied for an internship with a talk show.  I haven’t heard back.

Now that the summer is here and other obligations have settled, I will be actively searching for a job in my field with the openess to move as well.

Social Life

Life After College: 6 Month Post-Grad Update

What is a social life? Like I told y’all in my last update, I’ve been stuck in the house.  I don’t really have a large group of friends, I do have a lot of true friends though, we just don’t see each other that often.  I want to start meeting new people or even strengthening relationships with people in my life who are just acquaintances at the moment.

I’ve been able to scrap up some change, catch up with friends and hang out a little bit though.  I even went to my first club since graduating college—it was weird at first because it wasn’t a college party/club.  It was straight though, I had fun.

Mental State

Life After College: 6 Month Post-Grad Update

I don’t feel as pressured as I did the first couple of months.  That’s not to say I don’t continue to get those “what are you doing now” questions.  They’re still annoying, but I try not to worry about it too much.

During the last 3 months, I’ve been so much to myself.  Probably equally the same as I was when I first graduated, except I’ve been focusing a lot on my spiritual growth.


Life After College: 6 Month Post-Grad Update

My biggest accomplishment these past 3 months most definitely has to go to uploading 21 videos in 21 days on YouTube.  The Freshman Survival Guide for Class of 2021 went so well.  Granted, it got tiring after a while, but I accomplished the goal of releasing a video every day for 21 days straight!  There was even one day during that period when I uploaded two videos in one day.

I think it helped with the current growth I’m experiencing with my channel.  Though, I also have to give credit to the graduating late video that started to get a bunch a views around graduation time for college students.  I uploaded that earlier this year, but I guess it became a huge search term in May.  I’m even ranking #1 in one of my tags.

Watch the video to this update at the top of the page.

Next update: September 6, or somewhere around thenSEPTEMBER???  Y’all the year is really halfway over, wow.  I can’t.  Talk to you in the next update!

Read last month’s update: 3 Month Post-Grad Update

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  • Khadejah
    06/20/2017 at 5:23 PM

    This was great Aleigha! I’m so glad you posted this and I believe it will help so many people. I love how you are focusing on yourself and you were able to upload those YT videos and work on your brand. That is pretty impressive !

    • Aleigha Nicole
      06/20/2017 at 11:17 PM

      Thanks Khadejah! I had to put my focus on SOMETHING with all this free time. I’m just hoping it’ll pay off you know.