About Me

Seeking + Maintaining an ~intimate~ relationship with Self = The Goal in every thing I do (for me and you).

This sets the foundation for all things within and outside ourselves.

Aleigha Nicole

Is the day going your way today? 🙂 You’re on the “About Me” section of my website, and in summary… I’m simply a channel, creating✨ in different ways, and what’s within encourages us to continue to flourish into who we are—THRIVE. We’ll get more into the whole “thriving” thing later (it started out as a college project turned motto, pour moi).

My name is Aleigha, and the “G” is silent.

Where should I start…

my childhood woes or that crush from 6th grade?  Lol… cause we all can relate right?


In 2012, I graduated from high school and headed off to college with no self-direction.  All I knew was that it was the next step I was supposed to take, especially if I didn’t wanna be broke the rest of my life. Fast forward to graduation day, and I’m 50k+ in debt… unemployed with no company acting like they need me.

…well den.

(for alumnae credibility relatability purposes: I began my college years at FayState and received my Bachelor’s degree from North Carolina A&T State University—HBCU Pride!) 💙

At the top of 2017, on New Years Eve, I filmed my first YouTube video for the channel I run today.  This wasn’t the first time I made videos on YouTube, but it was the first time I chose my own direction. 

The degree I have an “IOU” for is in Journalism & Mass Communication, and my time spent in college was filled with valuable moments I carry with me today.

During college, I encountered different type of people and formed some dope relationships—whilst dropping some. Fact: I lived on campus throughout my entire college years (summer 2012 – fall 2016)—a total of 7 roommates, that, most of which I had a pleasant experience with! One of my first roommate stories is a dramatic one though.


I took memorable classes that allowed me to learn & try new things that will always be worth something to me… I spent time alone to observe, reflect & be with self, and faced situations that taught me tremendously; just like life outside of college, before and after. I made sure to enjoy my time during this experience, through-and-through. The parties-functions-n-gatherings were lit, and getting involved on campus became a strong sought-after goal following some freshman fear—all stories for other days.

However, I felt lost at times. Naturally. It was like… “I’m here on campus, but what am I doing?  Where am I going?  Who do I wanna be when I grow up?”  In reality, I already know… Who I Am; what I really was doing was trying to find a box to place myself in.

READ: A Message to the 20-somethings…

During freshman year, I started a blog. Built it from scratch actually. It was an Entertainment news site/Lifestyle blog called LeeleeSpeaks. I’d report on the topic at hand in my seasoned journalistic way and leave my 2 cents in the “LeeleeSpeaks” section. You can learn more about that at the top of this blog post.

*sarcasm begins here* Since I was already “poppin” in the land of Twitter toward the end of my high school years (a separate account from the one I run today), people actually read my blog and knew me as the moniker I went by.  Since my youth, I always wanted to be on TV.  So imagine me years later in college and my followers are up, I got a blog going, I’m getting my multimedia degree… I’m reputable aye eff, I’m about to be set! *sarcasm ends here*

All that stopped in 2015. The blogging (kinda), the desire for TV, etc.

I no longer was interested in talking about what I was reporting and blogging about, so that’s how I knew it was time to pivot.

I still enjoy arts & entertainment that resonates with me (as a consumer & creator), and will forever Love creating on my terms. Read more on that in the lighter gray text boxes at the bottom of this page.

My website—the one you’re on right now—turned into a portfolio, showcasing my skillset & relevant experiences to cater to my professional job search (having an online portfolio was a requirement toward the end of undergrad)—you see how each thing we do is a building block for something else? I made my first website senior year of high school as a ‘Senior Exit Project’ requisite, and started my first blog during freshman year of college.

Graduation’s approaching and I’m struggling to find the right* internship (for my career’s sake). Prior to that, once I had the courage to pursue leadership positions on campus and join organizations that peaked my interest, there was a lot of rejection. I had my own thing going (blogging) outside of the classroom, so it didn’t phase me too much for where any rejections were present.

There was a time around junior year where I actively aimed to figure out my “gift” by delving myself into Steve Harvey’s Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success, asking those close to me what they could see me doing—doing everything but consulting with myself, initially. Don’t get it misconstrued, though… a close counsel of those you trust is good and needed, along with your own *truthful* judgement.

Ultimately, bring every thing to The Most High for discernment, truthful revelation, clarity in that reveal, proper instruction + guidance in your steps, and the desire & overall Health to fulfill + experience what you need, well.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t on the “right track,” though it felt like it, I was simply: tryna figure it out. That’s a reoccurring theme in Life.

Know that, even in the midst of confusion and trying to figure things out… Our Creator is still there, directing us where we’re supposed to be, aiming to be and where TMH knows for us to be; the journey itself is what equips us with what we need. Read this post about the 20-something’s quest to “figuring it out” (it’s a really good read).

When I was done with college, I didn’t have a job or enough professional experience (and let’s be honest: reliable Connections) to be considered for one, so I created my own way: YouTube.

I didn’t fully understand my WHY just yet when it came to producing video content (aside from, I like this-good at it-and want this to do well enough to make a living from it).

WATCH: Disney College Program Application Process + THRIVE After College Vlogs | Browse through these playlists below!

As soon as the channel gained its first wave of traction summer 2017…that’s when the first hiatus had to occur.

Avid, I still had YouTube as a focus in the midst of any personal changes. Completely abandoning what I started wasn’t finna happen.

My channel has paused. Rebooted. Paused again, and so on… for a plethora of reasons since taking it seriously at the top of 2017…

Whether my creativity felt stifled or dealings with personal matters left me unable to be consistent with content

The thing is, it got to a point where I had an archive of a bunch of helpful and entertaining college advice with no sense of direction on what I was doing with it or what this THRIVE brand meant. I knew from the jump that my brand/business/message wasn’t intended to be strictly college-focused, it was simply 1 of many categories.

Transparent moment: My first couple of YouTube hiatuses frustrated me because I was very eager to film quality content as a means to work toward a sustainable living and exert creative energy through that realm. I’m more submissive to any setbacks these days because I know the reason it serves.

THIS is what I currently blog about when inspired.


To THRIVE is to Flourish Into Who You Are, and that requires you to get to the root of You so you understand your WHY and admire the beauty that you are. Think of a flower or tree, the process + purpose in which it grows & brings; this applies to us, too, in a similar way.

Multiple areas of our Life deserve attention (all forms of relationships, health, work, school, what we’re good at and interested in, etc). So, in order to give these things the attention it needs…

Consistently tend to self by Being aware of who it is you are and have an understanding of yourself. Question the reason(s) behind your x, y and z… Be honest with who you see in that mirror, Like yourself—Love You—accept yourself, respect yourself, be comfortable with who you are. Listen, no matter how much you think you know. Learn-teach-change when called (it’s already being done unknowingly), know what you’re capable of, the value you hold, and the effect that brings. Be On Purpose.

In every thing I do, my goal is to inspire the discovering and maintenance of an intimate relationship with Self; this sets the foundation for ALL things... within and beyond.

To wrap this up…

We can only give what we ourselves have, so I take time away from creating internet content and retreat when needed; exerting creative energy elsewhere. When ready and able to create again, doing it in the way I see fit, I do. There’s an abundance of ways & spaces in which I make things and express myself. However, it’s been a blatant on-again, off-again thing—as far as delivering video content via YouTube… but yah know…

In Life… there’s cycles; nothing is one and done. Patience is a virtue… yada-yada *motivational talk* 🙂 It’s also true that my Life and yours is a journey, and each piece of the puzzle and chapter to the book has its purpose beyond our own understanding.  And the story doesn’t stop there 

• • •

Spread Love, Be True

Aleigha Nicole logo (about page)

As a lover and contributor to ART… I recognize it comes in many different forms,

and I believe that when art from the he[art] inspires—igniting a flame in another to Do for the Better, while bringing a sense of peace, healing, and fulfillment to the artist in the process…

…that piece of art is fulfilling a worthy, righteous and beautiful purpose ♡.

Get insight into some of what I offer + enjoy doing by clicking one of the boxes below that grabs your attention; see a visual of how I encourage folks (and myself) to #FlourishIntoWhoYouAre:

youtube channel_aleighanicole.com
released poetry_aleighanicole.com
dream interpretation_aleighanicole.com
body care_aleighanicole.com

Contact page can be found by clicking this text